Join the Genaro GNX Proof of Stake Plan to Earn up to 10% Bonus Tokens!
Today Genaro is announcing a special program for everyone who participated in the GNX token sale to gain a special bonus by being a ‘Hodler,’ or a long-term supporter of the token.
We call it the Proof of Stake (PoS) Plan because it is based on the blockchain consensus mechanism used in Genaro’s own network. In PoS, proving ownership (i.e. stake) can lead to special transaction rewards.
What does this have to do with Genaro X token holders?
Your tokens can earn rewards for you simply by proving your continuing ownership and support of the Genaro Network!
In other words, as long as you hold GNX tokens and do not move or trade them, you will receive PoS rewards as you continue to hold.
In Genaro’s original SPoR + PoS hybrid consensus mechanism the public chain consensus PoS follows this principle exactly. This means that if you hold GNX and you complete proof of stake in the public chain, you will receive additional GNX rewards.
Deadline for participation: Dec. 25, 2017
How to join the Genaro PoS Plan
Step 1. Put or leave the GNX you want to participate in the PoS Plan in an ERC-20 compatible wallet (such as MyEtherWallet, Parity, imToken). These are the tokens that will be eligible to get a 2% bonus (for two months holding) or a 10% bonus (for eight months holding).
Note: These tokens will be locked for the duration, either two months or eight months, of the campaign. As mentioned, it is important to use an ERC-20 compatible wallet rather than an exchange-based address to participate with your GNX.
Note: Any tokens that were part of a previous bonus plan or are otherwise already locked are not eligible to participate in this program.
You can then transfer any GNX that you do not want to participate in the PoS Plan to another wallet or exchange. These transferred tokens will not be eligible to receive any bonus. Please continue now to step 2.
Step 2. Using the ERC-20 wallet from Step 1 above, you will make a ‘zero ETH’ transfer to Genaro PoS Plan’s Smart Contract address using the procedure outlined for the wallet (e.g. Parity, MEW) in the appendices below.
Note: Even though the transfer amount will be zero ETH, you will still have to pay transaction fees (as described in the appendices).
Note: You are not going to send GNX or another other tokens to Genaro’s smart contract, only the 0 ETH plus transfer fees.
Step 3. Depending on the speed of the Ethereum network, you will soon receive the GNX bonus tokens. These tokens (both the original GNX and the bonus GNX) will be thereafter automatically locked for either two or eight months, as per your selection during the transfer process.
Note: Any other ERC-20 tokens in your wallet will not be affected, only GNX.
Please proceed now to the correct Appendix depending on which wallet you want to use.
- How to use Parity to join the Genaro PoS Plan
- Open your Parity wallet, then click ‘Transfer’ and set the following parameters:
Type of token transfer:Ethereum
Receipt address (this is Genaro’s PoS smart contract address:0xA0B960fB79a279b5dEE14f60e9d228AF605Db388
Amount of transfer:0
Click the ‘Advanced sending options,’ then ‘NEXT’
Note: Don’t transfer any other digital currency except Ethereum, otherwise you will not receive bonus GNX, and your digital currency will be lost.

Transaction data:
Look for the ‘Transaction data’ field.
If you join the short-term 2-month holding plan for a 2% bonus, enter ‘0xc0f2478f’ (without quotes) in in the ‘Transaction data’ field.
If you want to join the long-term 8-month holding plan for a 10% bonus, enter the code ‘0xdb2d17a5’ (without quotes). See below:

2. Congratulations! You will soon receive your original amount of GNX sent plus the appropriate bonus token amount, all locked for either two or eight months.
- How to use MyEtherWallet to join the Genaro PoS Plan
- Open MyEtherWallet, then click ‘Advanced:Add Data’ and set the following parameters:
To Address (this is Genaro’s PoS smart contract address): 0xA0B960fB79a279b5dEE14f60e9d228AF605Db388
Amount to Send:
0 ETH (‘zero’)
Gas Limit:
If you join the short-term 2-month holding plan for a 2% bonus, enter ‘420000’ (420,000, without quotes) as the gas limit.
If you join the short-term 8-month holding plan for a 10% bonus, enter ‘1200000’ (1,200,000 without quotes) as the gas limit.
If you join the short-term 2-month holding plan for a 2% bonus, enter ‘0xc0f2478f’ (without quotes) in in the ‘Transaction data’ field.
If you want to join the long-term 8-month holding plan for a 10% bonus, enter the code ‘0xdb2d17a5’ (without quotes).
See below:

2. Click ‘Generate Transaction’ and then click ‘Yes, I am true! Make transaction’ to confirm your transaction.

- Congratulations! You will soon receive your original amount of GNX sent plus the appropriate bonus token amount, all locked for either two or eight months.
Other Wallets and Any Other Questions
Please contact us at
Thanks for supporting the Genaro Network by hodling!