Genaro/ Zilliqa AMAs with Yaoqi Jia and Waylon Wu
Wishing a pleasant start of the summer to everyone in the Genaro Community. On Tuesday, May 29 and Wednesday 30th May the Co-founders and technology leaders of Zilliqa and Genaro, Yaoqi Jia and Waylon Wu, took time out from intensive development schedules to conduct respective live AMA sessions with members of the Genaro and Zilliqa Telegram communities. These sessions served to clarify the benefits and strategies deriving from the collaboration between the two blockchain projects announced in April of this year. That announcement, which attracted significant attention among international investors and members of each project’s community, led to natural curiosity about how the interaction would take shape in future in terms of pricing, support for users and coders, etc. Members duly came forward with a host of probing questions which the two founder-developers were more than happy to answer over the course of an hour in each case. What follows is a selection from and summary of the exchanges that took place on each day on the messaging platform.

To begin the AMA session with Yaoqi Jia Genaro team member and Telegram admin ‘Larus’ asked Yaoqi (writing under handle ‘cryptoyao’) to summarize precisely what areas the two teams are working on and why the collaboration makes sense. Yaoqi replied that the “most obvious” attraction for Zilliqa is the chance to outsource DAPP backend storage onto the Genaro Network and to store other data generated by Zilliqa’s chain in future while streamlining cross-platform payments for users via relay networks. This reinforced the answer to a question by user ‘Ruff’ about the pricing model — Yaoqi replied that in the near future “Zilliqa miners and DAPP developers will be able to pay for storage on Genaro in ZILS…” while later developers will be able to convert their ZILs into GNX “without additional fees.” Yaoqi added that Genaro users can also run DAPPs on Zilliqa by spending gas fees in GNX. Overall the issue of token conversion and pricing revealed the seriousness of intent between the two teams to collaborate deeply.
Further emphasizing the closeness of the collaboration, Yaoqi’s answer to user ‘Jessica’ about “bringing the two communities together” mentioned forthcoming Hackathons and the creation of DAPP projects by members from each community.
Next user ‘Jennie’ asked about the ease of developing a Zilliqa DAPP developer to use Genaro’s storage, and whether there is any plan to test this once the “Zilliqa testnet v2.0” appears. Yaoqi replied that this process should be streamlined and efficient thanks to mutual engineering efforts and confirmed that with the launch of “smart contract layers” for Zilliqa “in a month’s time” developers should be able to use “APIs and store [their] backend databases” with Genaro.
Questions followed about the precise kinds of DAPP that will be built through direct collaboration or with the benefits arising from the joint effort to integrate technology. Yaoqi replied that “any DAPP” requiring “considerable backend storage” would benefit from the partnership; answering further Yaoqi specified that the decentralized storage model supporting blockchain development has specific advantages, with Genaro’s integrity ensuring that data will remain “secure and available” to users and creators of new projects. A member next asked Yaoqi/‘cryptoyao’ if he believed that the storage infrastructure provided by Genaro would be likely to suffice in future. Will Zilliqa work with other partners should Genaro’s storage not meet ZIL’s demands? Yaoqi replied that while it is a good principle to work with a single provider, it is also worthwhile to provide a range of options for DAPP developers. Next, another participant asked about Zilliqa’s simultaneous partnership with Bluzelle. Could Yaoqi compare the two collaborations? Yaoqi replied that Bluzelle is “not a blockchain per se and does not have smart contracts” — meaning that the relays and bi-directional channels being built to connect to the Genaro chain yield specific advantages for that collaboration.
Closing the AMA session for Yaoqi Genaro admin Larus and Genaro CEO Larry thanked the Zilliqa Head of Technology and the contributing community members for participating.
The following day Waylon Wu joined Zilliqa Telegram group members for a similar discussion. Writing under handle ‘weilong wu’, Waylon introduced the collaboration in a similar manner to Yaoqi Jia the previous day: Genaro will help Zilliqa with “storage requirements” and the latter will assist Genaro with building a “high-scalable public chain and encryption research.” The AMA got under way; member ‘Joona’ asked Waylon if data can be stored with Genaro “forever” and what the costs associated with that might be. Waylon explained that this is indeed possible and that the costs of this would be determined by the pricing of period-based buckets over time, with fees paid to providers on the network. User ‘Muthu Krishnan Selvamani’ asked about the security of co-storing and retrieving data across the two networks — will this not necessitate encryption with the help of Genaro APIs? Waylon replied to Muthu stating that Genaro APIs are for the time being for “the storage network solely,” while the team explores middleware options for the future.
The issue of Bluzelle and Genaro came up again as user ‘Jasonlee’ asked about the differences between the collaborations, in response to which Waylon mentioned the building of a side chain with Zilliqa and cooperation on smart contract data in future to bring the blockchains closer in functionality. Some users expressed surprise that Bluzelle does not in fact deploy its own chain. In response to a further question from Jasonlee about Genaro and Zilliqa (stating that “both are blockchains” and does that not imply competition between the two?) Waylon replied that Genaro is interested in building a “better-distributed world with good projects.”
Multiple questions about the technicalities of a close blockchain collaboration and followed from Zilliqa members, touching on token use, throughput, development of side chains, community management and more. Here follows a selection of questions and answers as the conversation continued. [NB — minor spelling errors have been corrected for sake of clarity.]
How do you envision supporting smart contracts on Zilliqa?
weilong wu:
Like I mentioned before, we are willing to support that. It could be better when we understand the opcodes and details profoundly, and to see if we could build a middleware or directly use this in general.
Why is Turing completeness necessary for Genaro in specifically dealing with cloud storage?
weilong wu:
In general, Turing-completeness is for possible usages when users start to use data in smart contracts. For cloud storage solely, non-Turing completeness is accessible, since we all know that limited storage requests exist and could make all to be special transactions then system would be well built. But when we have a data entry in smart contract, to make it a Turing- completeness one is to create this kind of system more like a decentralized cloud, still cloud simulate real world data control flow with a computer built on this. Like Oracle SQL, still a Turing completeness one.
What DAPP is planned to be done together?
And which DAPPs would you expect to be more Successful?
weilong wu:
Will, at first glance, first one is focus on data storage. We are currently more focus on the fundamental and essential part at chain level.
In my opinion, since GDPR is established, the one focus on privacy data dapps would be one.
But it is just my personal opinion.
Does Genaro have “Staking” or “Harvesting” features to encourage long term investing?
weilong wu:
Yes, we do, Staking is the first step of our Harvesting, I’m currently working on a new whitepaper, and design will be established at the time it publishes.
And how can Zilliqa help Genaro in addition to increasing the number of transactions?
weilong wu:
Zilliqa has rich experience at this part, since we are currently implementing our design at the moment, we will learn a lot from ZIL before testnet launches.
Next, in response to repeated questions about the differences between Bluzelle and Genaro, Waylon reiterated the importance of smart contracts and the encryption structures in place to protect Genaro Network users’ data. Member Renie Reine then helped out by pointing participants to the Genaro blog article on ‘What Differentiates Genaro from other Decentralized Storage Projects?’ to further clarify this topic.
At the close of the AMA session Zilliqa developer Amrit Kumar thanked Waylon for taking up the change to respond to community members’ questions.
Finally, the enthusiasm shown by community members on both sides served to boost the credibility of the ambitious collaboration confirmed by the teams in April — underlining the value of showing transparency and solidarity with supporters when serious decisions are made in blockchain projects.
Genaro’s latest versions, Genaro Eden and Genaro Eden Sharer, will allow you to store your files in a more secure way and share your unused storage to earn GNX. To download Genaro Eden and begin storing and sharing, follow this link:
Get your Genaro Eden/Sharer for Linux, Windows and MAC OS right now from the official website:
Git source repository is on GitHub>>
Warm reminder to our community members, please download Genaro Eden ONLY from our official website/GitHub and DO NOT trust any referral links and reposts from anyone, otherwise, we won’t be able to guarantee privacy and security of your data and protect you from scammers.
Genaro Eden — The first decentralized application on the Genaro Network, providing everyone with a trustworthy Internet and a sharing community:
Related Publications:
Genaro Eden: Five Core Features
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- About Genaro Network -

The Genaro Network, the creator of the Blockchain 3.0 Ecosystem, is the first Turing-complete public chain that incorporates a decentralized storage network. Genaro’s original SPoR (Sentinel Proof of Retrievability) with PoS (Proof of Stake) mixed consensus mechanism aims to create a blockchain platform with a processing speed of tens of thousands of transactions per second, which opens the way for the technological shift to move data from centralized clouds to blockchain with decentralized storage. Genaro offers developers a one-stop combined platform for deploying smart contracts and storing the data needed for DAPPs, while also providing everyone with a more trustworthy Internet and a sharing community.
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