Genaro Weekly Report
Genaro Announces Genaro Support Program will end at 9PM (Singapore Time) Nov.30, 2017.
Thanks for all your support! Genaro is proud of all of you! So far, we have been supported by ELEVEN professional blockchain funds including BlockAsset Fund, Collinstar Capital, Node Capital, Star Capital, Aware Capital, LinkVC, ChainPE, Tally Capital and etc, and thousands of individual supporters from all over the world.
The Genaro Network and team shares the same spirit in which cryptocurrencies and tokens were originally envisioned. That is transparency, fairness, accessibility, and innovation.
With people who may be preparing to join the Genaro community in mind, we are giving a three-day advance notice. In conclusion, the Genaro Support Program will end at 9PM (Singapore Time) Nov.30, 2017.
Genaro is to Attend the BlockShow Asia 2017 Conference
This November 29–30th, 2017, the Genaro Network is set to participate in the BlockShow Asia 2017 Conference to be held in Sentosa, Singapore. Genaro is pleased to invite all blockchain enthusiasts, our fans, friends, supporters and partners to join in this major international event for showcasing established blockchain solutions, disrupting industries and shaping history in the fourth industrial revolution. This event will bring together thousands of blockchain pioneers, discussing their disruptive progress in areas like AI, Medicine, Finance, Real estate, Storage, Big Data and much more…
The Genaro Network and its team members will be showcasing their Blockchain 3.0 ecosystem built on a Turing-complete public chain with decentralized storage (which remains the only Turing-complete public chain), set to provide blockchain developers with a one-stop solution to deploying smart contracts and storing data simultaneously.

Genaro Meetup at SGInnovate Space
November 23rd, 2017, Singapore,Genaro Network Team pioneers Jason Inch and Larry Liu were welcome speakers at SGInnovate Space. Jason and Larry shared their perspectives on Genaro’s Storage concept, ecosystem and the shape of Blockchain 3.0 as conceived by Genaro. They then brought attendees up to date on the finer points of Genaro’s functionality and development status: the hybrid consensus solutions of SPoR & PoS, the release of the Genaro Eden test version, and much more besides…

What are the Right and Wrong Ways to Regulate Cryptocurrencies? What Way Will China Move?
In Hong Kong this week Genaro’s Jason Inch spoke on a panel including major fintech entrepreneurs and authorities active in Asia.Under discussion were pressing issues for the immediate future of cryptocurrencies and related technology in the East and worldwide.

Genaro Singapore Summary
Genaro participated in the Inclusive Blockchain Conference of ACCESS Association members at Singapore’s Fintech Festival. Genaro participated in the Inclusive Blockchain Conference of ACCESS Association members at Singapore’s Fintech Festival. Here they successfully held a Genaro Singapore Meetup, signed several international strategic cooperation agreements and spread the word about Blockchain 3.0 concepts among the Singapore community