Genaro Safeguards the Metaverse Storage on the HyperVerse
What does the future metaverse look like and how does NFT integrate with it?
Crypto fans are eager to know answers to questions as such. At present, the metaverse is gaining momentum and the different metaverse segments are just started taking shape. These trends, on the one hand, give us more space for imagination and on the other hand, highlights the significance to be an industry pioneer.
Being a metaverse aggregation platform comprised of massive NFT assets, HyperVerse manages to deploy abundant NFT assets. Its high performance then poses high demands for storage and data security.
Genaro is where NFT data is stored on the HyperVerse. It provides premium protection for HyperVerse to develop phenomenal products. As we know, most data storage is in the forms of AR or IPFS, but because there are compatibility issues between the storage and NFT platforms, many NFT assets have been malignly replaced with images by some project owners by using decentralized techniques to hide URL indicated in the centralized system. From this point of view, Genaro has built a completely secure and decentralized storage medium for HyperVerse storage transactions.
Genaro Network aims to provide a secure means of data storage for the hundreds of thousands of members within HyperVerse. This means that users will hold full custody over their own private data, without facing any risks of hacks or exploits. Since privacy remains a huge concern when it comes to NFT trading and DeFi services, this partnership will serve to enhance the user experience.
Security is the essence of the metaverse
Everyone has a different way of interpreting the metaverse. Despite that, there is a consensus that the metaverse and blockchain can both ensure data security. Imagine if a metaverse built entirely by users is under the control of a centralized platform that can tamper with your data, take away your wealth, suspend your account, then the metaverse will lose its original advantages.
The HyperVerse is an NFT based metaverse. Everything you can see in the HyperVerse, from a cup of coffee to customized avatars, and even whole planets, are all tokenized as tradable NFTs. There are two different types of NFTs as follows.
HyperVerse-Native NFTs Different planets contain different sources for users to explore, loot, and trade. Sources vary from minerals to collectable alien creatures. Moreover, tradable NFTs are not limited to independent items. The whole planet, which can be viewed as a bundle, is also tradable on the trading platform. Crafted NFTs In HyperVerse, everyone can unleash their creativity to customize anything, such as clothes, transportation and houses. Avatars that represent users, including both main and customized avatars, are NFTs as well. Everything on the planet can be defined by users. users are allowed to mint their own NFT items using HVT, and the crafted items can be traded on the marketplace.
Genaro network storage can provide secure data operation in a decentralized and relatively cheap way. Only when the data is securely and permanently stored can the data be used to calculate a consistent state, and control the storage cost of the HyperVerse metaverse within a reasonable range, making it easier to retrieve data in the NFT storage state.
The Genaro network storage computing paradigm offers at least the following advantages.
Reliability — — Blockchain uses something called distributed ledger technology (DLT), which is a protocol that copies and distributes data throughout the network. Cloud storage solutions built on the blockchain has the characteristics of decentralization and encryption under cryptography, which is the key towards building a reliable and decentralized data storage solution. High Efficiency — — Genaro replaces the traditional storage method of keeping data in centralized servers, opting instead to split data into blocks, then store them in multiple nodes throughout the network. Security — — Each piece of data in the Genaro Network is encrypted, fragmented, and redundantly stored in nodes. Similar to cryptocurrencies, only those who hold the private key can access the data, then decrypt and view the data. Scalability — — The number of nodes in the Genaro Network can be expanded indefinitely, and each node can also flexibly adjust its storage capacity accordingly.
Fairness — — With the emergence of millions of users in the Genaro Network, competition within the market will bring about fairness and transparency. The cost of data storage will not be controlled by powerful centralized entities.
HyperVerse holds high the mission of security and decentralization and finds the privacy issue that has long plagued NFT transactions and DeFi services. Genaro network can better solve it with its distinctive advantages — reliability, efficiency, security, fairness, to provide a full range of safeguards for Defi as well as the metaverse.
The world of metaverse is just beginning, and project owners are already secretly building the infrastructure! Genaro network is bound to win the competition for its unique strengths.